Thursday, February 18, 2010

Reading Through the Bible and Life Happens

I am sorry to have not written all week again, but Mackenzie is still sick with cold and ear infection and I got sick and got an infection in my eye!  Not conducive to reading a bible and computer time has been out of necessity!  That being said, I am getting very behind.  I do not plan on actually catching up, but just continuing from where I am right now.

Check me out on Facebook.  Become a fan!  I want to get 100 fans by the end of March!  I am getting there!  Share and projects you are working on or thoughts by clicking on the discussions tab at the top of the page!

As for our coupons, shopping, and frugality, things have really been going well.  As I have mentioned, we are following the Dave Ramsey Peace University.  We are really seeing a huge difference in our spending patterns because we are actually watching where all of our money is going.  Our unexpected expenses were not so unexpected and we go over it each week to make sure we keep ourselves in check.  It is showing us where we need to work and where we can relax!  I have become MORE bound and determined to  get my grocery budget down.  Here is what I have discovered:  When you include buying food for birthday parties and guests that come by, you have to have planned better throughout the month so there are no last minute trips.  I have also learned another really important fact about my personality.  I will never...EVER be capable of going back to the way I used to shop.  The rare occasions where I have to buy something at full price, it is PAINFUL!!!!  I stood in the store with Mike, Madi, and Mackenzie the other day holding a block of $4.99 cheese, staring at all of the blocks of cheese.  Mike asked what the heck I was doing.  I was trying so hard to figure out how to make that block of cheese cheaper!!!  Didn't work.  I had to buy it.  Had I done a little better planning or forethought, I would have found something to cook that didn't include cheese, but I was stuck.  Lessons are still being learned.  No matter how much money we have, I will always save money on groceries.

We are taking Madison to the observatory this weekend.  She doesn't know it yet.  We have been doing lap books on the moon and planets and stars so when we go, she can relate to what we see!  Lap books are file folders with pockets, little books, special flaps and each one has a lesson related to the main topic!  GREAT tool I learned from my good friend Christy!  Check them out if you would like to do some fun lessons with your kids.  You can gear them toward any age!

Mackenzie is really communicating well now though she still makes no attempt at walking.  She knows where her eyes, nose, and mouth are and she loves her daddy and big sissy!

We are hoping to all be better this week and back to blogging about the bible.  Hopefully you can all understand my setback and will stay with me as I get back on track!

Moments...(as usual, there are so many so I have selected a few)
-Madison and Mackenzie laughing at each other.  They have become such sisters!
-Mackenzie all bundled up for cold weather.
-Madison selling girl scout cookies!!  I know a few of my good old friends remember those days all too well!

-Feeding the chickens in the freezing cold!
-Making a surprise relax night for Mike with Madi.  She loves to help pamper and take care of him!

Sometimes digging a little deeper makes you  more aware of the details.  How deep do you want to dig?  

I look forward to letting you know what I have been reading and hope you are willing to be patient while I get better!

1 comment:

  1. HA HA The block of cheese, been there, done that! And the telescope. You can borrow it if you would like to further you exploring. We love it!
