Thursday, January 14, 2010

Numbers, Homeschooling, and Chickens...Oh my!!

I am finally getting around to blogging about Numbers.  I must say, some of it...flew right over the coo-coo's nest!  BUT, the rest was well absorbed and dually noted.  After a few discussions, I have taken not that these laws God set in place were to create some order.  Plain and simple...or not.  They were not simple by any means.  Now these people that were led out out of Egypt by a humble, faithful, honest, and blessed man, have done nothing but attack and behave ungratefully and like hundreds of 5 year olds.  The cloud over the tabernacle was symbolic to me.  Or I interpreted it that way anyway.  It in fact, this whole book was symbolic.  We are always covered in shadows as long as we are not getting the message.  God really wanted to get a message across.  They just weren't getting it.  And poor Moses, who followed everything he was told, just got to reap the lack of benefit from their lessons not learned.  God proved his might and his power repeatedly, yet it fell on deaf ears.  He even made the ground open to swallow those that would not follow what he wanted.  I, for the life of me, cannot figure why Moses hung on.  I, for one, would have wanted to see all of them fall into that hole! As for Balak and Balaam...again, a rather like a satire itself.  How dumb can one man get?  The message wasn't clear enough?  I think I actually hear Balaam laughing at Balak.  "Come and curse these Isrealites before they destroy us."  "Um, can't do that cause God told me not to."  "Do it anyway and I will make you rich and happy."  "What, like you could match God?".  AND the donkey???  Oh, come one!  My pastor did this sermon also a while back and I found it pretty funny then, but to read it word for word myself was taking it to a new level.

To wrap it up, God's promise is coming to fruition.  The sermon last week involved God's promise.  His promise is written all over this.  He would carry this out and knock anything or anyone out in his way.  God's plan was going to happen no matter who thought their hands were more trustworthy.  My hands are not trustworthy.  His hands are the ones that will guide me.  I just need to pay more attention to the words he is speaking.

We are hitting home schooling very hard and Madison is really taking well to it.  She is such an amazing student.  She is really into Little House in the Big Woods right now with Mike.  I look forward to some great science experiments coming up soon and Mike will teaching Madi to build from scratch a bird house.  She is also following us on our Dave Ramsey journey and quite supportive of our family saving money.  In fact, she will say she wants to pack our lunches so we can save money and she doesn't mind the leftovers.  She also likes to look for things in thrift stores because of the treasures we find as opposed to Toys R Us or Walmart where it costs more.  She also likes to help me hunt for coupon deals!  How lucky we are that she understands.

-All 4 of us sitting outside the other night looking at our chickens in their new home.
-All 4 of us snuggled up watching Mickey Mouse in bed!
-Mackenzie doing "nice" by rubbing my face softly.
-Madison, Mackenzie, and I playing outside together.
-Madi, Mackenzie and I having a day full of moments at Disney just being us together.

I was asked to think about what path I am on.  What is is that God has going on for me right now.  I can tell you this.  I feel right.  I feel good.  I feel stretched and challenged.

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